General Employment Application. Tell us what you're looking for, if you don't see it listed

(Multiple states)
Full Time
Open - General
Student (High School)


  1. Our employees matter the most:
    1. Our pay plans are simple, consistent, and above market levels.
    2. We have reduced our hours of operation; schedules are typically 40 hours per week for most employees.
    3. We try to help each employee advance their careers through hands-on training, manufacturer training, and other unique learning opportunities. Whether you enjoy working with people, cars, or information, we want you to have a successful career, not just a job. 
  2. We promote from within.  Eight of our 13 General Managers were PROMOTED to their current role after starting their careers with us in a different position.
  3. We work to create a positive, safe, and enjoyable work environment.  We hire people we want to work with and strive to create a great workplace.  We recognize and reward hard work and achievement and celebrate our successes together. 
  4. We are wholly dedicated to one enterprise; our sole focus is the sales and servicing of automobiles, and we have an unrivaled track record of success.  We have a proven business model based on sound business principles. 
  5. Our company is the right size.  We are not subject to Corporate Politics and Red Tape.  We answer our phones, and our faces are regularly seen.  Questions asked are answered in a timely manner. 
  6. We continuously invest in our facilities, equipment, tools, and computer systems for the benefit of our employees and customers.

We’ve built a winning team and a winning company,

and are looking for motivated individuals who want to excel in

THEIR career.

What are you waiting for?

Contact our Staffing Manager to get started today!



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